Now, we are already one week into 2015! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while but things have been a little hectic lately. So, considering that we are already one week in I thought I'd post my opinion about New Year's resolutions and little ones I have set for myself this year.
New Year's resolutions, I've always liked the idea. Little goals that people set themselves to achieve throughout the year. Some people stick to them and some people don't. I guess it comes down to what type of person you are and what goals you've actually set yourself because some resolutions can be unrealistic. I always try and stretch myself with the resolutions that I make each year but I also try and make them realistic, so I can feel good about myself come January 1st the next year.
So, here are my New Year's resolutions:
Stay strong: *Mini trigger warning* This year, I want to be able to go through the year without self harming myself in any way. I've been clean since October 19th 2014 and I want to be able to carry that on throughout the whole of 2015. I see this as a realistic goal because I've made it so far already and that gives me motivation to carry on through the whole year. Plus, I have a lot of support in the form of friends, family and music around me to help me through this year.
Worry less: Now, this is a little more of an unrealistic goal for me but I still believe I can take the first steps in this. I plan to set it as my resolution every year because I know every year I will come closer to worrying less about everything and becoming less anxious. I worry so much because I suffer quite badly from anxiety and everything around me makes me anxious and worry but I am becoming better at managing to control my anxiety and by doing that I feel as if I will become better at controlling my levels of worry.
Photograph more: As some of you may know, I want to be a photographer. That's literally my main life goal is to become a photographer. So, as one of my resolutions I need to go out and photograph more things in the world. I need to photograph more moments in my life and since I want to be a music photographer I would like to photograph at least five gigs this year. My first gig ever that I am photographing is tomorrow (January 9th 2015) and I am really looking forward to it. I'm hoping to photograph more gigs this year before going on to college to do a photography or journalism course.
Work hard: This is one of my resolutions every year because I always work hard and I know if I have set myself that goal then I will work even harder. As I guess some of you had gathered, I'm taking my GCSE's in just a few months and I know that these last few months will mean everything to me. I am usually a student that keeps constant A's and B's but I know that I definitely want to keep that up and to not give up when things get difficult. So, I plan to carry on working as hard as I can without obviously stretching myself too much.
Keep healthy: I know this seems like a cliche resolution but mines a little different. Yes, this does include losing a little more weight but it's mostly to keep healthy mentally. I suffer from both depression and anxiety and I feel like I'm getting a lot better at managing to control myself and my disorders. So yes, I would like to keep my body healthy physically but I also really want to keep my body mentally.
There you are. They are my resolutions for this year. I'm already doing well at all of them and I really hope I can carry it on through this year. I hope if you guys have made any resolutions then you keep to them. Maybe you could comment what they are?
Anyways, I'll talk to you all soon.
Stay strong,
Chloe xxx