Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Dear Future Self

Dear Future Self,

Hi, it is currently 10:56am on Sunday, May 24th 2015 and you are currently getting excited about the fact Slam Dunk is tomorrow but in the back of your mind is all of that maths revision you haven't done... Anyways, I wanted to say a few things to you and I hope you're sitting there with your future husband reading this, smiling because you've done all of these things.

1) I hope you're smiling more. Your friends used to tell you that you should smile more but I hardly do because I'm so self conscious of it so I hope that it's something you've broken out of so you smile more because happiness is the key to everything.

2) Have you stopped stressing so much yet? As this is a target I'm always going to set for myself, every single year, I want to know if I've done that yet. Currently, I stress over every single little thing, exams, what clothes I'm wearing, if I look fat and even if I have a new spot that people are going to point out when I walk past them and I hope you've got over that stress and anxiety and are in fact, happy with yourself and your own body because in the big picture, spots probably aren't really that important. 

3) Please keep your dedication. Did you know that in 2015, you planned on seeing The Vamps eight times? Though, you'll only see them five times now but that isn't the point! Okay, I want to keep my dedication to everything that I do. Whether it be bands or my school work because I work my butt off at school and I hope I'm still doing that in my work or whatever I'm doing.

4) Please, please, please don't have given up on your dreams! I can see sitting on my desk across the room is my camera that I got for my birthday and I haven't even used it that much but I'm going to keep going so please tell me I didn't give up that I did keep going and I'm now achieving my dreams.

5) Last, are you happy? Are you sitting down reading this, settled down with my future husband or wife which ever and can you say you're actually happy? Because the teenage years did not treat you well at all so far, self harm, anxiety, depression, being bullied. Is that all over now? I hope I was strong enough to get over all of those bridges. I hope you are smiling, not because you have too but because you want too. I hope there is that warm feeling in your heart for the person you've settled down. Are you happy in yourself and your own body? I hope you are, I hope my future partner has taught me how to love myself with the help of you along the way obviously. 

Well, I hope you're having a good life!!

From current self. 

Monday, 4 May 2015


Hey guys,

So it's May and that can only mean one thing! It's exam season as well as the start of summer but the two completely contrast each other. Summer is a happy time full of sunshine, laughter and happy memories whilst exams bring with the complete opposite; rain, crying and the horrible memories of wanting to yell swear words at the exam paper.

Exams bring along with them everybody's worst enemy: revision. So, if you are ranging from the ages of sixteen and eighteen at the moment, you'll know exactly what I mean. Has your exam revision made you cry over spilt milk yet? Because, I know that is the stage I'm at right now but it doesn't have to be as bad as that.

I know as well as the next teen, exams and revision and the emotions it brings with it are horrible but it is something we can all get through. Next week on Tuesday, my first exam starts and it's Biology Addition and if I'm completely honest, I'm shitting myself but that's just a natural reaction to exams. Some people may be better at hiding it than others but deep down everybody has that fear when the word 'exams' is said. That horrible heat in your veins, the way your heart starts to beat a little faster and the way your stomach twists. 

There are two elements of exams: The build up and the sitting down and doing it. For me, the worst part is definitely the build up. 

When you're in high school/sixth form/college, the only thing the teachers talk to you about is the dreaded E word which is why everybody gets that sick feeling in their stomach. Everyone builds them up to be much worse than they actually are. I know I feel like that. As my exams are only a week away, it's the only thing on everybody's minds around me because it's getting so close! 

Dealing with exam stress: 

Exam stress is the hardest thing. The feeling that builds up inside your head, telling you that you can't do it. That something terrible accident is going to happen where you forget everything you've ever learnt but, in reality, you need to push that thought aside. Unless you're part of the Fantastic Four and get caught in some freak experiment, it's not going to happen!

If you are feeling like the stress and build up is becoming too much, talk to somebody about it. You are not alone, look around in your class, your whole year, every single person there is feeling exactly the same way you are. And yes, you may talk to a parent or teacher and even your best friend may say 'look, you can do this. You are smart enough' when you talk to them about the big problem pondering over your head but, if all of those people are saying it, it must be true right? You just need to start believing that yourself and take this from somebody who spends most of their nights crying over exams, it's true. You can do this but you need to tell yourself that.

A big part of exam stress is the revision you feel is never going to end. The important thing with revision is to not over do it because if that happens, you'll just run yourself into the ground and you really do not want to do that - it's the worst outcome. 

Here are my top tips when it comes to revision: 

  • Take regular breaks when revising. Your brain will only fully take things in for twenty minutes at a time so make sure you're taking good five - ten minute breaks every so often.
  • Keep hydrated and eat snacks when revising. This will help stimulate your brain more and will stop you getting tired so easily.
  • Make priorities. My exam timetable is colour coded into three sections. Red: Highest worry; Orange: Medium worry and Green: Least worry. This way I can see which subjects are my weakest so I know which ones I will be revising hardest for.
  • Do something relaxing. When I'm revising, I have my headphones in and am listening to either classical music because it chills me out so much or my favourite bands and well, singing along rather loudly to my favourite bands because it relaxes me and it helps me focus more. If listening to music isn't for you, in your breaks watch an episode of your favourite show or have a movie on in the background while your revising and it will relax you immediately.
  • Revise in the way that is best for you! I start of by highlighting the most important parts and then sticking post it notes everywhere because it helps me. I then write out all of my notes again because I know if I'm writing them out, I have to think about them first. I also have a box of questions and I'll randomly ask my family to ask me a question from the box because if I answer it correctly, I know that I can do it. But, if those methods are not for you, then don't use them! My brother records himself reading his notes and then listens to the recordings because that's what works for him.
Now, you've done all of that revision and it's the day of your exam and all of that stress and panic is building up inside of you. The feeling of vomiting is becoming more and more appealing with every passing second but you know that you have to sit this exam no matter what. You can do it. I suffer from really bad anxiety so sitting in a room with a lot of people and being under a lot of stress is just about my worse nightmare but there are some things I do beforehand to help me along.

  • I always eat a chocolate bar and/or drink some coke about fifteen minutes before my exam is due to start. It was a tip that my dad gave to me two nights before my drama exam and he said the sugar with help your brain when in that high stress place. But, just make sure you eat something small and have a drink before each exam else you'll start to become light headed and tired which means it'll be harder to focus.
  • Sleep well. Obviously, you can't do this outside of your exam hall but make sure you sleep well the night before your exam and eat some breakfast in the morning. It will stop your body and mind being tired and will make sure your brain is stimulated.
  • Light exercise. If your exam is first thing in the morning, make sure you do some light exercise before heading off to school because it will wake your brain up well.
  • When I'm standing outside an exam hall, I start to feel so overwhelmed and panicked that I normally can feel some sort of panic/anxiety attack coming along but don't worry if this starts to happen! Take a step away from the large crowd of people and take deep breaths. I know the thought of taking an exam is scary but you need to calm yourself down. Keep taking long, deep breaths until your heart rate is normal and you feel ready to take the exam.
  • I know it's hard but just try and stay as calm as you can. You can do this, you know you can.